Посрешни F-MAX
Ford Trucks. Най-просторните превозни средства
Най-голямата кабина, най-модерната технология, най-мощният двигател и най-високите нива на ефективност
срещани някога в моделите на Ford Trucks!
Широкоъгълни огледала
Фарове с впечатляващ дизайн
Ергономични странични стъпала
Предни стъпала
Функционално външно багажно отделение
Забравете всичко, което знаете за влекачите.
F-MAX: Повече от обикновен влекач. С новата си кабина, широка 2,5 метра, фарове, стъпала, багажни отделения и множество други функции, F-MAX ще ви накара да забравите всичко, което знаете за влекачите.
01 02 03 04 05
Предни стъпала
Проектирани да улесняват достъпа до всяка една част от превозното средство

• Иновативният, ергономичен дизайн позволява стъпалата лесно да се сгъват, осигурявайки удобен достъп до предното стъкло
Огледалата на новия F-MAX предоставят поглед към всичко около влекача

• Проектирани да осигуряват просторна визуализация
• Електрически управляеми и отопляеми огледала за обратно виждане
Дизайн на фаровете
Новият дизайн на фаровете на F-MAX осигурява ярко осветяване на платното и гарантира, че нищо не може да избяга от погледа Ви

• Система за светлинна асистенция при завиване
• LED дневни светлини
• Допълнителни LED къси светлини
Странични стъпала
Страничните стъпала на новия F-MAX са проектирани да улесняват живота ви

• Осветени, широки стъпала, улесняващи достъпа от и до кабината
• Аеродинамично покритие на най-горното стъпало с водоустойчиво покритие
Външно багажно отделение
Широкото външно багажно отделение на новия F-MAX ви позволява да вземете със себе си всичко необходимо за едно пътуване

• Широкото багажно пространство в кабината спокойно побира вашите лични вещи
• Лесен достъп както отвътре, така и отвън с капак, който се отваря на 90 градуса
F-MAX е много повече от обикновен влекач
в него ще се почувствате като у дома.
Всеки един детайл е премислен така, че да осигурява максимален комфорт.
Ford Trucks предлага
най-просторната кабина
Новият Ford Trucks F-MAX ви предлага най-просторната си кабина,
с прецизно изработени детайли,
осигуряващи максимален комфорт на водача.
Таблото и всички асистиращи шофирането технологии са на една ръка разстояние.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Нов ергономичен волан
Регулируемият, нов волан на F-MAX предоставя изключителен комфорт на шофиране.

• Кожен волан със спортен дизайн
• Регулируем във всички посоки волан
• Лесен достъп до мултимедиен екран, радио и други функции чрез бутоните на волана
Ново приборно табло
Приборното табло на новия F-MAX показва цялата информация, която ви е необходима.

• 8” цветен дисплей
Нов мултимедиен екран
Достъп до цялата необходима информация на мултимедийния дисплей на новия F-MAX.

• 7.2” LCD сензорен дисплей
• Радио и USB връзки
• Допълнителна навигационна функция
• Режим „Свободни ръце“
• Съвместимост с Apple CarPlay®
• Bluetooth ®
Нова шофьорска седалка
Шофьорската седалка на новия F-MAX осигурява несравним комфорт.

• Ергономична шофьорска седалка, предоставяща лумбална опора, от която се нуждаете по време на пътуване
• Висококачествена, дишаща материя
• The best in its class with a 260mm seat adjustment range
Табло за управление тип „Пилотска кабина“
Ергономичното табло на новия F-MAX улеснява достъпа до системите за управление.
Автоматична климатична система
Уютно пътуване с идеална температура през всеки сезон.

• Лесен достъп до контролния панел за управление на климатика
• Опростен, функционален дизайн
• Устройство за управление на климатика, осигуряващо естествен въздух, докато регулира температурата в кабината
Багажни отделения
Багажни отделения, разположени на тавана на кабината
Багажни отделения, разположени отгоре в кабината с капацитет 225 л.

Лесно отварящи се багажници, разположени над горното легло
• Капаците на багажните отделения са със „Самолетен тип“ дизайн
• Широк капацитет на багажниците в кабината
• С капацитет 105 л.

Багажните отделения под леглото осигуряват допълнително пространство за вас
• Две багажни отделения, намиращи се под леглото
• Лесен достъп до външния багажник

Удобен и достъпен хладилник
• Хладилникът с 38-литров обем е лесно достъпен, както от леглото, така и от шофьорското място.
Продукт на технологичната мисъл.
Открийте най-новите технологии в кабината на F-MAX!
С новия F-MAX всяко пътуване е безопасно и приятно с редица предимства,
като аварийно спиране, предупреждение при напускане на лентата за движение,
Predictive Cruise Control.
Моят профил
Персонализираната секция „Моят профил“ показва най-важната и необходима информация на началния екран
Изчисления по маршрута
Показва цялата маршрутна информация като дистанция и средна консумация на гориво
Индикатор за натоварване на осите
Предотвратява прекомерното и неправилно натоварване чрез показване на натовареността на задния мост
Оценка на шофирането
Анализира и оценява стила на шофиране въз основа на критерии като спиране и ускорение по време на пътуването, споделя екран с препоръки за подобряване на шофирането, в случай че функцията е активирана.
Система за следене налягането на гумите (TPMS)
Сензорите събират информация за температурата и налягането за всяка гума
Гарантира идеално налягане в гумите за да осигури безопасност и икономия на гориво
На информационния дисплей се показват стойностите от сензорите
Умно обслужване
Функцията „Умно обслужване“ показва живота на маслото на превозното средство
Настройки на допълнителния отоплител
Регулиране на температурата и вентилацията, използвайки дисплея за управление
Паркинг отоплител, използващ топлината на двигателя по време на краткосрочен престой
Мултимедия и системи за визуализация
С интелигентните и високотехнологични екрани на новия F-MAX максималния комфорт е на една ръка разстояние.
Достъп до радио и навигационни системи с едно докосване на сензорния екран.
Свържете вашия мобилен телефон чрез подобрената Bluetooth® връзка, за да имате достъп до Apple CarPlay® и приложенията на Weblink.
Животът е по-лесен с Apple CarPlay®
Свързвайки се с Apple CarPlay® можете да ползвате вашия мобилен телефон през сензорния дисплей
Специализирана навигационна система за камиони
Функционалната навигационна система, показваща идеалния маршрут за влекачи и тежкотоварни автомобили
7.2’’ Мултимедиен екран с множество работни режими
7.2" сензорен дисплей с дневен и нощен режим на работа
Контрол и безопасност
Удобство при шофиране
Имате повече от една причина да се доверите на новия F-MAX
с неговите усъвършенствани системи за асистиране при управлението.
01 02 03 04 05 06
Система за предупреждение при напускане на лентата на движение (LDWS)
Звуково и визуално предупреждение за напускане на лентата по време на движение
Адаптивен круиз контрол (ACC)
Измерва разстоянието пред автомобила за поддържане на идеалната дистанция и регулира скоростта на вашия автомобил за поддържане на дистанцията
Активна система за аварийно спиране (AEBS)
Измерва разстоянието пред автомобила и се задейства при аварийни ситуации, като осигурява безопасно намаляване на скоростта
Електронна програма за стабилизиране (ESP)
Поддържа баланса на автомобила при различни пътни и климатични условия чрез намеса в спирачната система за предпазване от хлъзгане и преобръщане
Ограничител на скоростта
Спомага за икономията на гориво посредством задаване на ограничение на скоростта и за спазване на правилата за движение по пътищата, на които има допустима максимална скорост
Система за помощ при изкачване
Предпазва от хлъзгане при стартиране и помага за овладяване на автомобила при спиране или при шофиране по хлъзгав път
С 500 к.с.,
той е титан на пътя.
Двигателят ECOTORQ на F-MAX с мощност 500 к.с. е триумф на инженерната мисъл.
Той е мощен и икономичен и със своя въртящ момент от 2500 Nm
помага за преодоляването и на най-трудните пътища.
Двигател Ecotorq E6
Двигателят ECOTORQ на новия F-MAX предлага максимално представяне и минимален разход на гориво при всякакви условия на пътя.

• Двигател с мощност 500 к.с., въртящ момент 2500 Nm

• Различните режими на работа като Eco Mode (Екологичен режим) и Power Mode (Режим на мощност) помагат за оптимизиране на разхода на гориво

• Вискосъединител на перката за охлаждане на радиаторите

• Турбокомпресор с променлива геометрия

• Водна помпа и компресор с множество работни скорости

• Моторна спирачка с мощност 400 kW
Новият Ford Trucks F-MAX
С намалени разходи за експлоатация
Намалена консумация на гориво, Обща ефективност от консумацията на гориво
Благодарение на високо ефективния двигател ECOTORQ с мощност 500 к.с., адаптивната задвижваща система, географските данни, извлечени от GPS системата, и технологията MaxCruise, предвиждаща стръмните пътища, се осигурява оптимална консумация на гориво.
Максимална възвръщаемост и висока технологичност
Оборудван с високотехнологични функции и изработен от материали с най-високо качество, новият F-MAX носи по-голям доход при последваща продажба.
Винаги на път с минимален престой
С договорите за комплексно обслужване и увеличените интервали за техническо обслужване, осигурени от новия F-MAX, ще спестите повече. Леснодостъпните резервни части ще сведат престоя Ви до минимум.
Ефективна дейност със системата ConnecTruck
Съвместимостта за интегриране със система за управление на автопарка (FMS), осигурена с ConnecTruck, ще осигури ефективната Ви дейност. Дистанционната актуализация на софтуера и отдалечената диагностика на автомобила ще ви даде сигурност на пътя.
01 02
С грижа за околната среда
• Пълна хармония и оптимална ефективност със системите за пречистване на изгорели газове
• Съответствие със стандартите за емисии Евро 6D
Аеродинамично съвършенство
С новия F-MAX, вятърът винаги работи за вас, а не срещу вас.

• Аеродинамична конструкция, оптимизирана със спойлери
• По-нисък разход на гориво с понижено въздушно съпротивление
Интелигентната система ConnecTruck.
Запознайте се с технологията ConnecTruck и бъдете в крак с времето с вашия влекач F-MAX.
ConnecTruck работи с база данни в облак, осигуряващ бърз достъп
до цялата информация за вашето превозно средство и неговото състояние.
01 02 03 04 05 06
• Анализира вида и условията на пътя, автоматично регулира промените на скоростта

• Подобрява разхода на гориво на новия F-MAX със своя интелигентен софтуер
Облак с база данни
• Безопасно записва всички данни за новия F-MAX и ги анализира при необходимост

• Подготвя таблица с данни от цялата запаметена информация и осигурява персонални решения
Дистанционна диагностика и актуализация на софтуера
• Нуждите на новия F-MAX се диагностицират дистанционно и се предприемат бързи действия за подобряване на работата му

• Бързи, дистанционни и продължителни актуализации на софтуера чрез ConnecTruck

• Актуализации, подобряващи работата на превозното средство
Интегрирани системи за управление на автопарка (FMS)
• Без нужда от допълнителен хардуер и активиране по заявка, системата е част от стандартното оборудване на новия F-MAX

• Постоянен и безупречен достъп до информация за превозното средство
Технологии за асистиране и оценка при шофиране
• Технологията Drive assist (Помощ при шофиране) осигурява икономия на гориво

• Анализира поведението на водача и дава съвети за подобряване на комфорта при шофиране

• На база множество параметри дава оценка на шофирането
Интернет от Ford Trucks
• Безупречна комуникация с достъпния в кабината интернет
Междуосово разстояние
Габаритна дължина на кабината
Височина на лафета*
1100 / 1200
Габаритна височина
3915 / 3930
Преден надвес
Габаритна ширина (без огледалата)
Заден надвес
Пътен просвет - преден
286 / 302
Габаритна дължина
Пътен просвет - заден
238 / 253
* предлагат се също така и опции 1050, 1250 и 1300 мм за височина на лафета
Междуосово разстояние
Габаритна дължина на кабината
Височина на лафета*
Габаритна височина
Преден надвес
Габаритна ширина (без огледалата)
Заден надвес
Пътен просвет - преден
Габаритна дължина
Пътен просвет - заден
* предлагат се също така и опции 1050, 1250 и 1300 мм за височина на лафета
Външно и Вътрешно Оборудване
LED Дневни светлини
Помощни светлини при маневриране
Предни и задни фарове за мъгла
LED Къси светлини
Външен сенник
Спойлер на покрива
Страничен спойлер
Странични защити
Алуминиеви джанти
Допълнителен резервоар за гориво
Автоматични светлини
Сензор за дъжд (Автоматично включване на чистачки)
Кожен волан
Бутони за управление, разположени на волана
Напълно прибиращо се, сгъваемо горно легло
8’’ Инструментално табло
Мултимедийна система със 7.2’’ сензорен дисплей
Навигационна система, специализирана за камиони
Мини хладилник
Кафе машина
Електрозадвижващо се накланяне на кабината
Водна печка
Паркинг печка
LED Дневни светлини
Помощни светлини при маневриране
Предни и задни фарове за мъгла
LED Къси светлини
Външен сенник
Спойлер на покрива
Страничен спойлер
Алуминиеви джанти
Допълнителен резервоар за гориво
Автоматични светлини
Сензор за дъжд (Автоматично включване на чистачки)
Кожен волан
Бутони за управление, разположени на волана
Напълно прибиращо се, сгъваемо горно легло
8’’ Инструментално табло
Мултимедийна система със 7.2’’ сензорен дисплей
Навигационна система, специализирана за камиони
Мини хладилник
Кафе машина
Електрозадвижващо се накланяне на кабината
Водна печка
Паркинг печка
Предлага се с височина на лафета 940 мм при наличие на две нива на задно окачване по време на движение
Регулируем преден пътен просвет (70 мм)
Технологични характеристики
Круиз Контрол
Система за предупреждение при напускане на лентата на движение (LDWS)
Усъвършенствана система за аварийно спиране (AEBS)
Индикатор за натоварване на осите
Електронна програма за стабилизация (ESP)
Система срещу приплъзване (ASR)
Eco Roll
Блокаж на диференциала
Интернет, достъпен в кабината
Интардер + Адаптивен /Адаптив/ Круиз Контрол
MaxCruise (Предсказващ /Предиктив/ Круиз Контрол)
Система за следене на температурата и налягането на гумите (TPMS)
Круиз Контрол
Система за предупреждение при напускане на лентата на движение (LDWS)
Усъвършенствана система за аварийно спиране (AEBS)
Индикатор за натоварване на осите
Електронна програма за стабилизация (ESP)
Система срещу приплъзване (ASR)
Eco Roll
Блокаж на диференциала
Интернет, достъпен в кабината
Интардер + Адаптивен /Адаптив/ Круиз Контрол
MaxCruise (Предсказващ /Предиктив/ Круиз Контрол)
Система за следене на температурата и налягането на гумите (TPMS)
Шофьорска седалка (с висококачествена тапицерия)
Мултимедийна система със 7.2” сензорен екран
Мини хладилник
Паркинг печка
MaxCruise (Предсказващ /Предиктив/ Круиз Контрол)
Електрозадвижващо се накланяне на кабината
Система за следене на температурата и налягането на гумите (TPMS)
Кафе машина
LED Къси светлини
Двоен подлакътник на пътническата седалка
Странични защити
Шофьорска седалка (с висококачествена тапицерия)
Мултимедийна система със 7.2” сензорен екран
Мини хладилник
Паркинг печка
MaxCruise (Предсказващ /Предиктив/ Круиз Контрол)
Електрозадвижващо се накланяне на кабината
Система за следене на температурата и налягането на гумите (TPMS
Кафе машина
LED Къси светлини
Двоен подлакътник на пътническата седалка
Странични защити
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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş. ("Ford Otosan", "we", "our" or "us")) -as the data controller- uses and discloses the information collected about you (your "personal information") when you visit our stand at the International Motor Show in Hannover, Germany in 2018 (“Exhibition”) and visit the websites namely www.fordtrucks.com.tr, www.ford.com.tr, www.fordotosan.com.tr (the "Website/s") or when you contact us using the details available on it. The Policy also outlines below how we use the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired.

The Websites may enable you to purchase, or apply for quotes for products and services such as motor insurance, vehicle lease or hire or accessories. Some of these products and/or services are provided by Ford Otosan's partners who will collect additional personal information from you in order to fulfil your requests. Our partners will use the personal information they collect as they describe in their privacy statements or as they explain when you provide your personal information.

In addition to this Policy, some Ford products and services (including some Ford Otosan apps) may have their own privacy policies which describe in more detail how your personal information is used in a particular context. You can also find out more about what information your vehicle collects and uses by consulting the owners' manual or its accompanying app (where available).

Who we share your personal information with

Your personal information may be disclosed to:

• companies or other organisations that we have engaged to provide services on our behalf such as web-hosting companies, mailing vendors, analytics providers, event hosting services, and information technology providers;

• companies or other organisations where you have asked us to or agreed that we may share your personal information with them;

• dealers and our partners where this is necessary to provide you with a product or service;

• professional advisors;

• any law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other third party where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of any third party or individuals' personal safety, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or safety issues; or

• any third party that purchases, or to which we transfer, all or substantially all of our assets and business. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to ensure that the entity to which we transfer your personal information uses it in a manner that is consistent with this Policy.

Ford Otosan may also transfer your personal information to Koç Holding A. Ş., Ford Motor Company, and other Ford Motor Company Group companies worldwide, and to their service providers. When we transfer your personal information, we will make sure that is used for purposes which are compatible with those described in this Policy.

Transferring your personal information internationally

Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”) concerning data protection and may be transferred within the European Economic Area ("EEA"), as well as to countries outside the EEA (including to Turkey and the USA). When we transfer your personal information outside the EEA we will put in place appropriate safeguards in accordance with our legal obligations to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected irrespective of the country to which it is transferred. These safeguards may include obtaining contractual assurances from any third party given access to your personal information that your personal information will be protected by standards which are equivalent to those that protect your personal information when it is in the EEA. If you would like to know more about how Ford Otosan protects your personal information when it is transferred outside the EEA, please contact us at the address below.

What personal information will we use?

Ford Otosan collects personal information from the Exhibition and Websites:

• when you fill in forms (for example, if you request a test drive)

• automatically through the use of cookies and similar technologies. You can find out more about this in Ford Otosan's cookie guide.

• The Websites enable you to provide personal information including:

• your name and contact information (such as your address, telephone number(s) and email address) and information about your business or employer if you are enquiring in a commercial capacity;

• information about your vehicle (including your Vehicle Identification Number ("VIN"), vehicle registration number, model, age and mileage);

• the products and services in which you are interested; and

• your contact and marketing preferences.

In addition, we;

• collect your personal information if you contact us using the details available through the Websites (for example, we will keep a record of the information you provide when you write to us or contact our customer service centres); and

• may combine the information we hold with information about you or your interests, socio-economic and socio-demographic status, online identifiers and current contact details collected by third parties such as marketing agencies.

• When you take your vehicle to be serviced or repaired we will collect diagnostic information about your vehicle and keep a record of the work carried out and parts supplied. You can find out about what personal information is collected when your Ford vehicle is serviced or repaired Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle.

How do we use your personal information?

We use the personal information we collect from the Exhibition and Websites to:

• fulfil your requests;

• manage and improve our business and our relationship with you;

• deal with your enquiries;

• conduct research;

• send you marketing material in line with your communications preferences;

• comply with our legal and regulatory responsibilities, to respond to legal process or requests for information issued by government authorities or other third parties, to prevent and detect crime and fraud, or protect your, our or others’ rights; and

• operate the Websites, personalise it to you, and to understand how the Website is used so that we can improve it.

We may combine and analyse your personal information to:

• help us understand, develop and improve our products, processes, services and marketing and business strategies;

• personalise our products and services to you;

• to understand our customers better; and

• to manage and improve our relationship with you.

This could include, for example, informing our distribution strategy, evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing and customer service, conducting market analysis and identifying products or services which may be of interest to you, and contacting you to tell you about such products and services.

We would like to make sure the communications we send you and our interactions with you are as relevant to you as possible. As a result, from time to time, we may use information about you collected from third parties (as described in the 'What information will we use?' to help us determine what Ford products and services you might be interested in. We may then send you information about those products and services in accordance with your communications preferences, and use the information we hold about you to inform our customer service centres if you contact them. We may also work with third parties to show you tailored advertising on social media platforms or, if you have consented to the use of cookies, when you browse the internet/visit other Websites (please see Ford Otosan's cookie guide for more information). You can find out how to stop receiving marketing material from us in the Your rights section below

For more information about how the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired, please see the Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle section below.

We keep your personal information in identifiable form for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it and to comply with our legal obligations. This generally means holding your personal information for as long as one of the following apply:

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to provide the services you have requested to you;

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to protect and defend our rights or property (this will generally be the length of the relevant legal limitation period); or

• we are otherwise required to keep your personal information by applicable laws or regulations.

What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

There are different lawful grounds that we rely on to use your personal information and we will collect and use your personal information in the following situations:

• where our use of your personal information is necessary to perform a contract or contracts that you are a party to, or to take steps that you request before entering into a contract. These contracts could include the conditions on which you enter a competition or agreements you enter into for service products, for example;

• where our use of your personal information is within our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of the organisation with which we have shared your personal information and we have made sure that your personal information, and your rights in relation to that information, are protected. For example, we may rely on this legal ground if we and/or the companies within the Ford Motor Company group use your personal information to: understand and improve our (or their) products, services and/or marketing strategies; for research purposes; to manage and improve our relationship with you and for administrative purposes; to help find out what information, products and services are most likely to interest you and to send or show you information, offers, and online advertisements for these products or services; to personalise your experience of our products and services; to ensure that our products and services are delivered and used in accordance with the law and the terms and conditions that apply to them; and where necessary to protect or defend our or another's rights or property, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, safety or privacy issues;

• where we believe it is necessary to use your personal information to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which we are subject;

• in limited circumstances where we believe it is necessary to protect someone's safety or vital interests; and

• where we have your consent. We will rely on your consent to, for example, collect technical information such as data from cookies and similar technologies as we describe in Ford Otosan's cookies guide and to use your personal information for marketing to you by email and text message. Where we rely on consent to use your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please see the 'Your rights' section of this policy for more details.

We will keep your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. Your personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) of the GDPR subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard your rights and freedoms.

Your rights

You have the right as an individual to find out what information we hold about you and for what purposes, as well as to access that information and make corrections if necessary. You also have the right in some circumstances to object to our use of your personal information, to ask us to restrict or erase your personal information or to request that your personal information is provided to you in a commonly used electronic format so that you can share it with other organisations.

Where you have consented to our use of your personal information (please see the section named What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information? for further information), you can withdraw your consent at any time. If you wish to do so, please contact us at the address below.

We will make all practical efforts to respect your wishes. However, certain legislation, especially related to safety issues or financial regulation might prevent this.

If you have chosen to receive marketing communications from Ford Otosan you can change your mind at any time. If you would like to stop receiving marketing communications from Ford Otosan, please write to the address below:

Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey

Or email to:


Or click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the respective marketing communication.

If you have questions or concerns regarding Ford Otosan's use of your personal information, or would like to access the information that Ford Otosan holds about you or exercise any of the other rights you have in relation to your personal information, please contact Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey by addressing to Mr. Serhan Ipekyun or email kvk@ford.com.tr.

Ford Otosan have appointed a Data Protection Officer. You can contact the Data Protection Officer at kvk@ford.com.tr.

If you have a complaint about the way in which Ford Otosan uses your personal information we hope that in the first instance you will contact us. You may, however, also make a complaint to the European Data Protection Board, which is the authority that upholds information rights in the European Union.

Other websites and social networking

The Websites may contain links to other websites which are outside our control and are not covered by this Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of those websites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policies, which may differ from ours.

The Websites may also offer you the opportunity to share or follow information about Ford Otosan, Ford, the Websites or the products and/or services available through it using third party social networking functionality (such as through “share this”, “like” or “follow” buttons).

We offer this functionality in order to generate interest in the Websites among the members of your social networks, and to permit you to share and follow opinions, news and recommendations about the Websites with your contacts. However, you should be aware that sharing personal information with a social network may result in that information being collected by the social network provider and being made publicly-available, including through internet search engines.

You should always read the privacy policy of any website you access or social network through which you share information carefully in order to understand their privacy practices.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Policy from time to time. If we make substantial or material changes in the way we wish to use your personal information we will communicate providing a prominent notice on the Websites or by contacting you directly. If you do not agree with these changes, please do not continue to use the Websites.

Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle

When your Ford vehicle was manufactured it was assigned a unique number (the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN). From the VIN we can tell certain information about your vehicle, including its model, age, the software it uses, its technical specifications.

In order to diagnose, analyse, repair or service your vehicle, the technicians working on it will need to collect the VIN together with certain diagnostic information and information about the current state of your vehicle (for example, what software versions it is using, its mileage etc.).

This information will be transferred to a system run by Ford Otosan so that the technicians working on your vehicle can be provided with vehicle-specific repair, maintenance and diagnostic information (such as wiring diagrams and vehicle software updates) and information about any past work carried out on your vehicle to assist them to diagnose, repair and/or service it and to enable them to maintain their records.

To make sure your vehicle has a comprehensive diagnosis record, information about what work is done to your vehicle when it is serviced or repaired will be linked to the VIN of your vehicle. This will be transferred to the system and stored so that Ford Otosan (or any third parties it authorises to use the system in this way) can make information about past repair or service available to any dealer or repairer anywhere in the world who needs to repair or service your vehicle.

The information held on the system is also used by Ford Otosan to enable the diagnosis, repair of your vehicle, to manage and administer warranties and similar products and services, for product safety and research and development purposes and to enable Ford Otosan to comply with its legal obligations.

In addition to the transfers of information described above, Ford Otosan may also pass this information to:

• companies in the Ford corporate Group for the purposes of research and development and analytics; and/or

• to companies in the Ford corporate Group and/or third parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of other companies in the Ford Motor Company corporate group, or the rights of any third party.

You can find out more about the legal grounds we rely on when we use your personal information What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

Given the global nature of the system, VIN information is transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area by Ford Otosan. You can find out more about the international transfers of personal information we make Transferring your personal information internationally.

Marketing by Ford Otosan

Ford Otosan would like to keep you up-to-date with information on Ford products and services. Please let us know if and how you would like to hear from us by ticking the boxes below.

For information on how we will use your data, international transfers of data and your rights, please see full Privacy Policy details.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş. ("Ford Otosan", "we", "our" or "us")) -as the data controller- uses and discloses the information collected about you (your "personal information") when you visit our stand at the International Motor Show in Hannover, Germany in 2018 (“Exhibition”) and visit the websites namely www.fordtrucks.com.tr, www.ford.com.tr, www.fordotosan.com.tr (the "Website/s") or when you contact us using the details available on it. The Policy also outlines below how we use the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired.

The Websites may enable you to purchase, or apply for quotes for products and services such as motor insurance, vehicle lease or hire or accessories. Some of these products and/or services are provided by Ford Otosan's partners who will collect additional personal information from you in order to fulfil your requests. Our partners will use the personal information they collect as they describe in their privacy statements or as they explain when you provide your personal information.

In addition to this Policy, some Ford products and services (including some Ford Otosan apps) may have their own privacy policies which describe in more detail how your personal information is used in a particular context. You can also find out more about what information your vehicle collects and uses by consulting the owners' manual or its accompanying app (where available).

Who we share your personal information with

Your personal information may be disclosed to:

• companies or other organisations that we have engaged to provide services on our behalf such as web-hosting companies, mailing vendors, analytics providers, event hosting services, and information technology providers;

• companies or other organisations where you have asked us to or agreed that we may share your personal information with them;

• dealers and our partners where this is necessary to provide you with a product or service;

• professional advisors;

• any law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other third party where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of any third party or individuals' personal safety, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or safety issues; or

• any third party that purchases, or to which we transfer, all or substantially all of our assets and business. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to ensure that the entity to which we transfer your personal information uses it in a manner that is consistent with this Policy.

Ford Otosan may also transfer your personal information to Koç Holding A. Ş., Ford Motor Company, and other Ford Motor Company Group companies worldwide, and to their service providers. When we transfer your personal information, we will make sure that is used for purposes which are compatible with those described in this Policy.

Transferring your personal information internationally

Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”) concerning data protection and may be transferred within the European Economic Area ("EEA"), as well as to countries outside the EEA (including to Turkey and the USA). When we transfer your personal information outside the EEA we will put in place appropriate safeguards in accordance with our legal obligations to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected irrespective of the country to which it is transferred. These safeguards may include obtaining contractual assurances from any third party given access to your personal information that your personal information will be protected by standards which are equivalent to those that protect your personal information when it is in the EEA. If you would like to know more about how Ford Otosan protects your personal information when it is transferred outside the EEA, please contact us at the address below.

What personal information will we use?

Ford Otosan collects personal information from the Exhibition and Websites:

• when you fill in forms (for example, if you request a test drive)

• automatically through the use of cookies and similar technologies. You can find out more about this in Ford Otosan's cookie guide.

• The Websites enable you to provide personal information including:

• your name and contact information (such as your address, telephone number(s) and email address) and information about your business or employer if you are enquiring in a commercial capacity;

• information about your vehicle (including your Vehicle Identification Number ("VIN"), vehicle registration number, model, age and mileage);

• the products and services in which you are interested; and

• your contact and marketing preferences.

In addition, we;

• collect your personal information if you contact us using the details available through the Websites (for example, we will keep a record of the information you provide when you write to us or contact our customer service centres); and

• may combine the information we hold with information about you or your interests, socio-economic and socio-demographic status, online identifiers and current contact details collected by third parties such as marketing agencies.

• When you take your vehicle to be serviced or repaired we will collect diagnostic information about your vehicle and keep a record of the work carried out and parts supplied. You can find out about what personal information is collected when your Ford vehicle is serviced or repaired Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle.

How do we use your personal information?

We use the personal information we collect from the Exhibition and Websites to:

• fulfil your requests;

• manage and improve our business and our relationship with you;

• deal with your enquiries;

• conduct research;

• send you marketing material in line with your communications preferences;

• comply with our legal and regulatory responsibilities, to respond to legal process or requests for information issued by government authorities or other third parties, to prevent and detect crime and fraud, or protect your, our or others’ rights; and

• operate the Websites, personalise it to you, and to understand how the Website is used so that we can improve it.

We may combine and analyse your personal information to:

• help us understand, develop and improve our products, processes, services and marketing and business strategies;

• personalise our products and services to you;

• to understand our customers better; and

• to manage and improve our relationship with you.

This could include, for example, informing our distribution strategy, evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing and customer service, conducting market analysis and identifying products or services which may be of interest to you, and contacting you to tell you about such products and services.

We would like to make sure the communications we send you and our interactions with you are as relevant to you as possible. As a result, from time to time, we may use information about you collected from third parties (as described in the 'What information will we use?' to help us determine what Ford products and services you might be interested in. We may then send you information about those products and services in accordance with your communications preferences, and use the information we hold about you to inform our customer service centres if you contact them. We may also work with third parties to show you tailored advertising on social media platforms or, if you have consented to the use of cookies, when you browse the internet/visit other Websites (please see Ford Otosan's cookie guide for more information). You can find out how to stop receiving marketing material from us in the Your rights section below

For more information about how the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired, please see the Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle section below.

We keep your personal information in identifiable form for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it and to comply with our legal obligations. This generally means holding your personal information for as long as one of the following apply:

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to provide the services you have requested to you;

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to protect and defend our rights or property (this will generally be the length of the relevant legal limitation period); or

• we are otherwise required to keep your personal information by applicable laws or regulations.

What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

There are different lawful grounds that we rely on to use your personal information and we will collect and use your personal information in the following situations:

• where our use of your personal information is necessary to perform a contract or contracts that you are a party to, or to take steps that you request before entering into a contract. These contracts could include the conditions on which you enter a competition or agreements you enter into for service products, for example;

• where our use of your personal information is within our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of the organisation with which we have shared your personal information and we have made sure that your personal information, and your rights in relation to that information, are protected. For example, we may rely on this legal ground if we and/or the companies within the Ford Motor Company group use your personal information to: understand and improve our (or their) products, services and/or marketing strategies; for research purposes; to manage and improve our relationship with you and for administrative purposes; to help find out what information, products and services are most likely to interest you and to send or show you information, offers, and online advertisements for these products or services; to personalise your experience of our products and services; to ensure that our products and services are delivered and used in accordance with the law and the terms and conditions that apply to them; and where necessary to protect or defend our or another's rights or property, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, safety or privacy issues;

• where we believe it is necessary to use your personal information to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which we are subject;

• in limited circumstances where we believe it is necessary to protect someone's safety or vital interests; and

• where we have your consent. We will rely on your consent to, for example, collect technical information such as data from cookies and similar technologies as we describe in Ford Otosan's cookies guide and to use your personal information for marketing to you by email and text message. Where we rely on consent to use your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please see the 'Your rights' section of this policy for more details.

We will keep your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. Your personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) of the GDPR subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard your rights and freedoms.

Your rights

You have the right as an individual to find out what information we hold about you and for what purposes, as well as to access that information and make corrections if necessary. You also have the right in some circumstances to object to our use of your personal information, to ask us to restrict or erase your personal information or to request that your personal information is provided to you in a commonly used electronic format so that you can share it with other organisations.

Where you have consented to our use of your personal information (please see the section named What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information? for further information), you can withdraw your consent at any time. If you wish to do so, please contact us at the address below.

We will make all practical efforts to respect your wishes. However, certain legislation, especially related to safety issues or financial regulation might prevent this.

If you have chosen to receive marketing communications from Ford Otosan you can change your mind at any time. If you would like to stop receiving marketing communications from Ford Otosan, please write to the address below:

Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey

Or email to:


Or click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the respective marketing communication.

If you have questions or concerns regarding Ford Otosan's use of your personal information, or would like to access the information that Ford Otosan holds about you or exercise any of the other rights you have in relation to your personal information, please contact Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey by addressing to Mr. Serhan Ipekyun or email kvk@ford.com.tr.

Ford Otosan have appointed a Data Protection Officer. You can contact the Data Protection Officer at kvk@ford.com.tr.

If you have a complaint about the way in which Ford Otosan uses your personal information we hope that in the first instance you will contact us. You may, however, also make a complaint to the European Data Protection Board, which is the authority that upholds information rights in the European Union.

Other websites and social networking

The Websites may contain links to other websites which are outside our control and are not covered by this Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of those websites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policies, which may differ from ours.

The Websites may also offer you the opportunity to share or follow information about Ford Otosan, Ford, the Websites or the products and/or services available through it using third party social networking functionality (such as through “share this”, “like” or “follow” buttons).

We offer this functionality in order to generate interest in the Websites among the members of your social networks, and to permit you to share and follow opinions, news and recommendations about the Websites with your contacts. However, you should be aware that sharing personal information with a social network may result in that information being collected by the social network provider and being made publicly-available, including through internet search engines.

You should always read the privacy policy of any website you access or social network through which you share information carefully in order to understand their privacy practices.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Policy from time to time. If we make substantial or material changes in the way we wish to use your personal information we will communicate providing a prominent notice on the Websites or by contacting you directly. If you do not agree with these changes, please do not continue to use the Websites.

Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle

When your Ford vehicle was manufactured it was assigned a unique number (the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN). From the VIN we can tell certain information about your vehicle, including its model, age, the software it uses, its technical specifications.

In order to diagnose, analyse, repair or service your vehicle, the technicians working on it will need to collect the VIN together with certain diagnostic information and information about the current state of your vehicle (for example, what software versions it is using, its mileage etc.).

This information will be transferred to a system run by Ford Otosan so that the technicians working on your vehicle can be provided with vehicle-specific repair, maintenance and diagnostic information (such as wiring diagrams and vehicle software updates) and information about any past work carried out on your vehicle to assist them to diagnose, repair and/or service it and to enable them to maintain their records.

To make sure your vehicle has a comprehensive diagnosis record, information about what work is done to your vehicle when it is serviced or repaired will be linked to the VIN of your vehicle. This will be transferred to the system and stored so that Ford Otosan (or any third parties it authorises to use the system in this way) can make information about past repair or service available to any dealer or repairer anywhere in the world who needs to repair or service your vehicle.

The information held on the system is also used by Ford Otosan to enable the diagnosis, repair of your vehicle, to manage and administer warranties and similar products and services, for product safety and research and development purposes and to enable Ford Otosan to comply with its legal obligations.

In addition to the transfers of information described above, Ford Otosan may also pass this information to:

• companies in the Ford corporate Group for the purposes of research and development and analytics; and/or

• to companies in the Ford corporate Group and/or third parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of other companies in the Ford Motor Company corporate group, or the rights of any third party.

You can find out more about the legal grounds we rely on when we use your personal information What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

Given the global nature of the system, VIN information is transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area by Ford Otosan. You can find out more about the international transfers of personal information we make Transferring your personal information internationally.

Marketing by Ford Otosan

Ford Otosan would like to keep you up-to-date with information on Ford products and services. Please let us know if and how you would like to hear from us by ticking the boxes below.

For information on how we will use your data, international transfers of data and your rights, please see full Privacy Policy details.

This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş. ("Ford Otosan", "we", "our" or "us")) -as the data controller- uses and discloses the information collected about you (your "personal information") when you visit our stand at the International Motor Show in Hannover, Germany in 2018 (“Exhibition”) and visit the websites namely www.fordtrucks.com.tr, www.ford.com.tr, www.fordotosan.com.tr (the "Website/s") or when you contact us using the details available on it. The Policy also outlines below how we use the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired.

The Websites may enable you to purchase, or apply for quotes for products and services such as motor insurance, vehicle lease or hire or accessories. Some of these products and/or services are provided by Ford Otosan's partners who will collect additional personal information from you in order to fulfil your requests. Our partners will use the personal information they collect as they describe in their privacy statements or as they explain when you provide your personal information.

In addition to this Policy, some Ford products and services (including some Ford Otosan apps) may have their own privacy policies which describe in more detail how your personal information is used in a particular context. You can also find out more about what information your vehicle collects and uses by consulting the owners' manual or its accompanying app (where available).

Who we share your personal information with

Your personal information may be disclosed to:

• companies or other organisations that we have engaged to provide services on our behalf such as web-hosting companies, mailing vendors, analytics providers, event hosting services, and information technology providers;

• companies or other organisations where you have asked us to or agreed that we may share your personal information with them;

• dealers and our partners where this is necessary to provide you with a product or service;

• professional advisors;

• any law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other third party where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of any third party or individuals' personal safety, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or safety issues; or

• any third party that purchases, or to which we transfer, all or substantially all of our assets and business. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to ensure that the entity to which we transfer your personal information uses it in a manner that is consistent with this Policy.

Ford Otosan may also transfer your personal information to Koç Holding A. Ş., Ford Motor Company, and other Ford Motor Company Group companies worldwide, and to their service providers. When we transfer your personal information, we will make sure that is used for purposes which are compatible with those described in this Policy.

Transferring your personal information internationally

Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”) concerning data protection and may be transferred within the European Economic Area ("EEA"), as well as to countries outside the EEA (including to Turkey and the USA). When we transfer your personal information outside the EEA we will put in place appropriate safeguards in accordance with our legal obligations to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected irrespective of the country to which it is transferred. These safeguards may include obtaining contractual assurances from any third party given access to your personal information that your personal information will be protected by standards which are equivalent to those that protect your personal information when it is in the EEA. If you would like to know more about how Ford Otosan protects your personal information when it is transferred outside the EEA, please contact us at the address below.

What personal information will we use?

Ford Otosan collects personal information from the Exhibition and Websites:

• when you fill in forms (for example, if you request a test drive)

• automatically through the use of cookies and similar technologies. You can find out more about this in Ford Otosan's cookie guide.

• The Websites enable you to provide personal information including:

• your name and contact information (such as your address, telephone number(s) and email address) and information about your business or employer if you are enquiring in a commercial capacity;

• information about your vehicle (including your Vehicle Identification Number ("VIN"), vehicle registration number, model, age and mileage);

• the products and services in which you are interested; and

• your contact and marketing preferences.

In addition, we;

• collect your personal information if you contact us using the details available through the Websites (for example, we will keep a record of the information you provide when you write to us or contact our customer service centres); and

• may combine the information we hold with information about you or your interests, socio-economic and socio-demographic status, online identifiers and current contact details collected by third parties such as marketing agencies.

• When you take your vehicle to be serviced or repaired we will collect diagnostic information about your vehicle and keep a record of the work carried out and parts supplied. You can find out about what personal information is collected when your Ford vehicle is serviced or repaired Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle.

How do we use your personal information?

We use the personal information we collect from the Exhibition and Websites to:

• fulfil your requests;

• manage and improve our business and our relationship with you;

• deal with your enquiries;

• conduct research;

• send you marketing material in line with your communications preferences;

• comply with our legal and regulatory responsibilities, to respond to legal process or requests for information issued by government authorities or other third parties, to prevent and detect crime and fraud, or protect your, our or others’ rights; and

• operate the Websites, personalise it to you, and to understand how the Website is used so that we can improve it.

We may combine and analyse your personal information to:

• help us understand, develop and improve our products, processes, services and marketing and business strategies;

• personalise our products and services to you;

• to understand our customers better; and

• to manage and improve our relationship with you.

This could include, for example, informing our distribution strategy, evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing and customer service, conducting market analysis and identifying products or services which may be of interest to you, and contacting you to tell you about such products and services.

We would like to make sure the communications we send you and our interactions with you are as relevant to you as possible. As a result, from time to time, we may use information about you collected from third parties (as described in the 'What information will we use?' to help us determine what Ford products and services you might be interested in. We may then send you information about those products and services in accordance with your communications preferences, and use the information we hold about you to inform our customer service centres if you contact them. We may also work with third parties to show you tailored advertising on social media platforms or, if you have consented to the use of cookies, when you browse the internet/visit other Websites (please see Ford Otosan's cookie guide for more information). You can find out how to stop receiving marketing material from us in the Your rights section below

For more information about how the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired, please see the Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle section below.

We keep your personal information in identifiable form for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it and to comply with our legal obligations. This generally means holding your personal information for as long as one of the following apply:

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to provide the services you have requested to you;

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to protect and defend our rights or property (this will generally be the length of the relevant legal limitation period); or

• we are otherwise required to keep your personal information by applicable laws or regulations.

What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

There are different lawful grounds that we rely on to use your personal information and we will collect and use your personal information in the following situations:

• where our use of your personal information is necessary to perform a contract or contracts that you are a party to, or to take steps that you request before entering into a contract. These contracts could include the conditions on which you enter a competition or agreements you enter into for service products, for example;

• where our use of your personal information is within our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of the organisation with which we have shared your personal information and we have made sure that your personal information, and your rights in relation to that information, are protected. For example, we may rely on this legal ground if we and/or the companies within the Ford Motor Company group use your personal information to: understand and improve our (or their) products, services and/or marketing strategies; for research purposes; to manage and improve our relationship with you and for administrative purposes; to help find out what information, products and services are most likely to interest you and to send or show you information, offers, and online advertisements for these products or services; to personalise your experience of our products and services; to ensure that our products and services are delivered and used in accordance with the law and the terms and conditions that apply to them; and where necessary to protect or defend our or another's rights or property, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, safety or privacy issues;

• where we believe it is necessary to use your personal information to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which we are subject;

• in limited circumstances where we believe it is necessary to protect someone's safety or vital interests; and

• where we have your consent. We will rely on your consent to, for example, collect technical information such as data from cookies and similar technologies as we describe in Ford Otosan's cookies guide and to use your personal information for marketing to you by email and text message. Where we rely on consent to use your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please see the 'Your rights' section of this policy for more details.

We will keep your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. Your personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) of the GDPR subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard your rights and freedoms.

Your rights

You have the right as an individual to find out what information we hold about you and for what purposes, as well as to access that information and make corrections if necessary. You also have the right in some circumstances to object to our use of your personal information, to ask us to restrict or erase your personal information or to request that your personal information is provided to you in a commonly used electronic format so that you can share it with other organisations.

Where you have consented to our use of your personal information (please see the section named What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information? for further information), you can withdraw your consent at any time. If you wish to do so, please contact us at the address below.

We will make all practical efforts to respect your wishes. However, certain legislation, especially related to safety issues or financial regulation might prevent this.

If you have chosen to receive marketing communications from Ford Otosan you can change your mind at any time. If you would like to stop receiving marketing communications from Ford Otosan, please write to the address below:

Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey

Or email to:


Or click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the respective marketing communication.

If you have questions or concerns regarding Ford Otosan's use of your personal information, or would like to access the information that Ford Otosan holds about you or exercise any of the other rights you have in relation to your personal information, please contact Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey by addressing to Mr. Serhan Ipekyun or email kvk@ford.com.tr.

Ford Otosan have appointed a Data Protection Officer. You can contact the Data Protection Officer at kvk@ford.com.tr.

If you have a complaint about the way in which Ford Otosan uses your personal information we hope that in the first instance you will contact us. You may, however, also make a complaint to the European Data Protection Board, which is the authority that upholds information rights in the European Union.

Other websites and social networking

The Websites may contain links to other websites which are outside our control and are not covered by this Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of those websites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policies, which may differ from ours.

The Websites may also offer you the opportunity to share or follow information about Ford Otosan, Ford, the Websites or the products and/or services available through it using third party social networking functionality (such as through “share this”, “like” or “follow” buttons).

We offer this functionality in order to generate interest in the Websites among the members of your social networks, and to permit you to share and follow opinions, news and recommendations about the Websites with your contacts. However, you should be aware that sharing personal information with a social network may result in that information being collected by the social network provider and being made publicly-available, including through internet search engines.

You should always read the privacy policy of any website you access or social network through which you share information carefully in order to understand their privacy practices.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Policy from time to time. If we make substantial or material changes in the way we wish to use your personal information we will communicate providing a prominent notice on the Websites or by contacting you directly. If you do not agree with these changes, please do not continue to use the Websites.

Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle

When your Ford vehicle was manufactured it was assigned a unique number (the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN). From the VIN we can tell certain information about your vehicle, including its model, age, the software it uses, its technical specifications.

In order to diagnose, analyse, repair or service your vehicle, the technicians working on it will need to collect the VIN together with certain diagnostic information and information about the current state of your vehicle (for example, what software versions it is using, its mileage etc.).

This information will be transferred to a system run by Ford Otosan so that the technicians working on your vehicle can be provided with vehicle-specific repair, maintenance and diagnostic information (such as wiring diagrams and vehicle software updates) and information about any past work carried out on your vehicle to assist them to diagnose, repair and/or service it and to enable them to maintain their records.

To make sure your vehicle has a comprehensive diagnosis record, information about what work is done to your vehicle when it is serviced or repaired will be linked to the VIN of your vehicle. This will be transferred to the system and stored so that Ford Otosan (or any third parties it authorises to use the system in this way) can make information about past repair or service available to any dealer or repairer anywhere in the world who needs to repair or service your vehicle.

The information held on the system is also used by Ford Otosan to enable the diagnosis, repair of your vehicle, to manage and administer warranties and similar products and services, for product safety and research and development purposes and to enable Ford Otosan to comply with its legal obligations.

In addition to the transfers of information described above, Ford Otosan may also pass this information to:

• companies in the Ford corporate Group for the purposes of research and development and analytics; and/or

• to companies in the Ford corporate Group and/or third parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of other companies in the Ford Motor Company corporate group, or the rights of any third party.

You can find out more about the legal grounds we rely on when we use your personal information What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

Given the global nature of the system, VIN information is transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area by Ford Otosan. You can find out more about the international transfers of personal information we make Transferring your personal information internationally.

Marketing by Ford Otosan

Ford Otosan would like to keep you up-to-date with information on Ford products and services. Please let us know if and how you would like to hear from us by ticking the boxes below.

For information on how we will use your data, international transfers of data and your rights, please see full Privacy Policy details.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş. ("Ford Otosan", "we", "our" or "us")) -as the data controller- uses and discloses the information collected about you (your "personal information") when you visit our stand at the International Motor Show in Hannover, Germany in 2018 (“Exhibition”) and visit the websites namely www.fordtrucks.com.tr, www.ford.com.tr, www.fordotosan.com.tr (the "Website/s") or when you contact us using the details available on it. The Policy also outlines below how we use the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired.

The Websites may enable you to purchase, or apply for quotes for products and services such as motor insurance, vehicle lease or hire or accessories. Some of these products and/or services are provided by Ford Otosan's partners who will collect additional personal information from you in order to fulfil your requests. Our partners will use the personal information they collect as they describe in their privacy statements or as they explain when you provide your personal information.

In addition to this Policy, some Ford products and services (including some Ford Otosan apps) may have their own privacy policies which describe in more detail how your personal information is used in a particular context. You can also find out more about what information your vehicle collects and uses by consulting the owners' manual or its accompanying app (where available).

Who we share your personal information with

Your personal information may be disclosed to:

• companies or other organisations that we have engaged to provide services on our behalf such as web-hosting companies, mailing vendors, analytics providers, event hosting services, and information technology providers;

• companies or other organisations where you have asked us to or agreed that we may share your personal information with them;

• dealers and our partners where this is necessary to provide you with a product or service;

• professional advisors;

• any law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other third party where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of any third party or individuals' personal safety, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or safety issues; or

• any third party that purchases, or to which we transfer, all or substantially all of our assets and business. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to ensure that the entity to which we transfer your personal information uses it in a manner that is consistent with this Policy.

Ford Otosan may also transfer your personal information to Koç Holding A. Ş., Ford Motor Company, and other Ford Motor Company Group companies worldwide, and to their service providers. When we transfer your personal information, we will make sure that is used for purposes which are compatible with those described in this Policy.

Transferring your personal information internationally

Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”) concerning data protection and may be transferred within the European Economic Area ("EEA"), as well as to countries outside the EEA (including to Turkey and the USA). When we transfer your personal information outside the EEA we will put in place appropriate safeguards in accordance with our legal obligations to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected irrespective of the country to which it is transferred. These safeguards may include obtaining contractual assurances from any third party given access to your personal information that your personal information will be protected by standards which are equivalent to those that protect your personal information when it is in the EEA. If you would like to know more about how Ford Otosan protects your personal information when it is transferred outside the EEA, please contact us at the address below.

What personal information will we use?

Ford Otosan collects personal information from the Exhibition and Websites:

• when you fill in forms (for example, if you request a test drive)

• automatically through the use of cookies and similar technologies. You can find out more about this in Ford Otosan's cookie guide.

• The Websites enable you to provide personal information including:

• your name and contact information (such as your address, telephone number(s) and email address) and information about your business or employer if you are enquiring in a commercial capacity;

• information about your vehicle (including your Vehicle Identification Number ("VIN"), vehicle registration number, model, age and mileage);

• the products and services in which you are interested; and

• your contact and marketing preferences.

In addition, we;

• collect your personal information if you contact us using the details available through the Websites (for example, we will keep a record of the information you provide when you write to us or contact our customer service centres); and

• may combine the information we hold with information about you or your interests, socio-economic and socio-demographic status, online identifiers and current contact details collected by third parties such as marketing agencies.

• When you take your vehicle to be serviced or repaired we will collect diagnostic information about your vehicle and keep a record of the work carried out and parts supplied. You can find out about what personal information is collected when your Ford vehicle is serviced or repaired Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle.

How do we use your personal information?

We use the personal information we collect from the Exhibition and Websites to:

• fulfil your requests;

• manage and improve our business and our relationship with you;

• deal with your enquiries;

• conduct research;

• send you marketing material in line with your communications preferences;

• comply with our legal and regulatory responsibilities, to respond to legal process or requests for information issued by government authorities or other third parties, to prevent and detect crime and fraud, or protect your, our or others’ rights; and

• operate the Websites, personalise it to you, and to understand how the Website is used so that we can improve it.

We may combine and analyse your personal information to:

• help us understand, develop and improve our products, processes, services and marketing and business strategies;

• personalise our products and services to you;

• to understand our customers better; and

• to manage and improve our relationship with you.

This could include, for example, informing our distribution strategy, evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing and customer service, conducting market analysis and identifying products or services which may be of interest to you, and contacting you to tell you about such products and services.

We would like to make sure the communications we send you and our interactions with you are as relevant to you as possible. As a result, from time to time, we may use information about you collected from third parties (as described in the 'What information will we use?' to help us determine what Ford products and services you might be interested in. We may then send you information about those products and services in accordance with your communications preferences, and use the information we hold about you to inform our customer service centres if you contact them. We may also work with third parties to show you tailored advertising on social media platforms or, if you have consented to the use of cookies, when you browse the internet/visit other Websites (please see Ford Otosan's cookie guide for more information). You can find out how to stop receiving marketing material from us in the Your rights section below

For more information about how the personal information we collect when your vehicle is serviced or repaired, please see the Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle section below.

We keep your personal information in identifiable form for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it and to comply with our legal obligations. This generally means holding your personal information for as long as one of the following apply:

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to provide the services you have requested to you;

• your personal information is reasonably required in order to protect and defend our rights or property (this will generally be the length of the relevant legal limitation period); or

• we are otherwise required to keep your personal information by applicable laws or regulations.

What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

There are different lawful grounds that we rely on to use your personal information and we will collect and use your personal information in the following situations:

• where our use of your personal information is necessary to perform a contract or contracts that you are a party to, or to take steps that you request before entering into a contract. These contracts could include the conditions on which you enter a competition or agreements you enter into for service products, for example;

• where our use of your personal information is within our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of the organisation with which we have shared your personal information and we have made sure that your personal information, and your rights in relation to that information, are protected. For example, we may rely on this legal ground if we and/or the companies within the Ford Motor Company group use your personal information to: understand and improve our (or their) products, services and/or marketing strategies; for research purposes; to manage and improve our relationship with you and for administrative purposes; to help find out what information, products and services are most likely to interest you and to send or show you information, offers, and online advertisements for these products or services; to personalise your experience of our products and services; to ensure that our products and services are delivered and used in accordance with the law and the terms and conditions that apply to them; and where necessary to protect or defend our or another's rights or property, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, safety or privacy issues;

• where we believe it is necessary to use your personal information to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which we are subject;

• in limited circumstances where we believe it is necessary to protect someone's safety or vital interests; and

• where we have your consent. We will rely on your consent to, for example, collect technical information such as data from cookies and similar technologies as we describe in Ford Otosan's cookies guide and to use your personal information for marketing to you by email and text message. Where we rely on consent to use your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please see the 'Your rights' section of this policy for more details.

We will keep your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. Your personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) of the GDPR subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard your rights and freedoms.

Your rights

You have the right as an individual to find out what information we hold about you and for what purposes, as well as to access that information and make corrections if necessary. You also have the right in some circumstances to object to our use of your personal information, to ask us to restrict or erase your personal information or to request that your personal information is provided to you in a commonly used electronic format so that you can share it with other organisations.

Where you have consented to our use of your personal information (please see the section named What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information? for further information), you can withdraw your consent at any time. If you wish to do so, please contact us at the address below.

We will make all practical efforts to respect your wishes. However, certain legislation, especially related to safety issues or financial regulation might prevent this.

If you have chosen to receive marketing communications from Ford Otosan you can change your mind at any time. If you would like to stop receiving marketing communications from Ford Otosan, please write to the address below:

Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey

Or email to:


Or click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the respective marketing communication.

If you have questions or concerns regarding Ford Otosan's use of your personal information, or would like to access the information that Ford Otosan holds about you or exercise any of the other rights you have in relation to your personal information, please contact Akpınar Mahallesi Hasan Basri Caddesi No: 2 34885 Sancaktepe Istanbul Turkey by addressing to Mr. Serhan Ipekyun or email kvk@ford.com.tr.

Ford Otosan have appointed a Data Protection Officer. You can contact the Data Protection Officer at kvk@ford.com.tr.

If you have a complaint about the way in which Ford Otosan uses your personal information we hope that in the first instance you will contact us. You may, however, also make a complaint to the European Data Protection Board, which is the authority that upholds information rights in the European Union.

Other websites and social networking

The Websites may contain links to other websites which are outside our control and are not covered by this Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of those websites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policies, which may differ from ours.

The Websites may also offer you the opportunity to share or follow information about Ford Otosan, Ford, the Websites or the products and/or services available through it using third party social networking functionality (such as through “share this”, “like” or “follow” buttons).

We offer this functionality in order to generate interest in the Websites among the members of your social networks, and to permit you to share and follow opinions, news and recommendations about the Websites with your contacts. However, you should be aware that sharing personal information with a social network may result in that information being collected by the social network provider and being made publicly-available, including through internet search engines.

You should always read the privacy policy of any website you access or social network through which you share information carefully in order to understand their privacy practices.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Policy from time to time. If we make substantial or material changes in the way we wish to use your personal information we will communicate providing a prominent notice on the Websites or by contacting you directly. If you do not agree with these changes, please do not continue to use the Websites.

Repair, diagnosis and servicing for your Ford vehicle

When your Ford vehicle was manufactured it was assigned a unique number (the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN). From the VIN we can tell certain information about your vehicle, including its model, age, the software it uses, its technical specifications.

In order to diagnose, analyse, repair or service your vehicle, the technicians working on it will need to collect the VIN together with certain diagnostic information and information about the current state of your vehicle (for example, what software versions it is using, its mileage etc.).

This information will be transferred to a system run by Ford Otosan so that the technicians working on your vehicle can be provided with vehicle-specific repair, maintenance and diagnostic information (such as wiring diagrams and vehicle software updates) and information about any past work carried out on your vehicle to assist them to diagnose, repair and/or service it and to enable them to maintain their records.

To make sure your vehicle has a comprehensive diagnosis record, information about what work is done to your vehicle when it is serviced or repaired will be linked to the VIN of your vehicle. This will be transferred to the system and stored so that Ford Otosan (or any third parties it authorises to use the system in this way) can make information about past repair or service available to any dealer or repairer anywhere in the world who needs to repair or service your vehicle.

The information held on the system is also used by Ford Otosan to enable the diagnosis, repair of your vehicle, to manage and administer warranties and similar products and services, for product safety and research and development purposes and to enable Ford Otosan to comply with its legal obligations.

In addition to the transfers of information described above, Ford Otosan may also pass this information to:

• companies in the Ford corporate Group for the purposes of research and development and analytics; and/or

• to companies in the Ford corporate Group and/or third parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights, the rights of other companies in the Ford Motor Company corporate group, or the rights of any third party.

You can find out more about the legal grounds we rely on when we use your personal information What lawful grounds do we rely on when we use your personal information?

Given the global nature of the system, VIN information is transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area by Ford Otosan. You can find out more about the international transfers of personal information we make Transferring your personal information internationally.

Marketing by Ford Otosan

Ford Otosan would like to keep you up-to-date with information on Ford products and services. Please let us know if and how you would like to hear from us by ticking the boxes below.

For information on how we will use your data, international transfers of data and your rights, please see full Privacy Policy details.

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